VM Pass: nakerah.net
- Defcon presentation for the same exploit @ youtube.com/watch?v=gHISpAZiAm0
- Subencoder: https://github.com/sagishahar/scripts/blob/master/muts_encoder.py
- Quick refresher on BOF https://www.nakerah.net/index.php?media/albums/buffer-overflow.17/
- Steps for activation:
- Windows activation loop solution:
1. Import (HP OpenView.ova) To your virtual machine App
2. Press F8 repeatedly and go to Safe Mode
3. Login with password ( nakerah.net )
4. Click on Start - Run
5. Type in exactly: rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk (and click OK)
6. Wait a couple of seconds (although you will Not see any change)
7. Restart your Machine normally
Ovas license solution:
1. Open .license file in that path { C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\conf\.license }
2. Clear the data inside it & put the following data in it { 2MSN EHM2 54L7 DUPL ANAY EQJ8 "NNMAE IO" }
- Windows activation loop solution: